BTRST Live Price




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The current price of Braintrust (BTRST) stands at $0.33971, accompanied by a trading volume of $102,966 over the past 24 hours. BTRST has declined by -0.3% in this timeframe. However, it is presently down by -1.0%.

What Is Braintrust

The pioneering decentralized network of Braintrust links adept, verified knowledge professionals and top-tier global enterprises. Unlike the regular platforms, this platform is based on people who utilize or develop it. As a result, the network only serves the needs of its users rather than being influenced by a central power.
What makes Braintrust different from other platforms is that it has got an exceptional model where members of the community are granted ownership and governance rights through the native BTRST token in recognition to their contribution in expansion of the platform. This has seen talent and job opportunities flock into the network at an unprecedented rate.
Braintrust boasts a diverse pool of knowledge workers and project collaborators with more than 50,000 strong community across globe. Giant industry players like Nestle, Porsche, Atlassian, Goldman Sachs, Nike among others have also started using Braintrust for their talent requirements. For more information visit braintrust website.

Where to Accept btrst?

We offer easy crypto currency payment solutions through our service, allowing you to receive Braintrust and over 238 other digital monies. Improve your customers' experiences and broaden your payment choices without hassle.

What is the all-time high for Braintrust (btrst)?

Braintrust’s historic highest price is $46.82, which was recorded on 16th of September 2021. Currently, Braintrust’s price is %99.3 Lower than its historic high.

What is the all-time low for Braintrust (btrst)?

Braintrust’s historic lowest price is $0.00000, which was recorded on 19th of October 2021. Currently, Braintrust’s price is %3.0587209320045E+36 Higher than its historic low.

What are the most important factors affecting the price of Braintrust (btrst)?

Let's take a look at the important factors that impact Braintrust's worth, such as how many people want to buy or sell it and how available it is. Other influences include what's being said about it on the news and internet, changes in the global economy and politics, and rules Governments set for using it.

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