DCK Live Price




24h% change


Volume (24h)


Market Cap


The current price of DexCheck (DCK) stands at $0.01190, accompanied by a trading volume of $157,093 over the past 24 hours. DCK has declined by -4.9% in this timeframe. However, it is presently down by -9.3%.

What Is DexCheck

DexCheck stands out as an advanced analytics platform powered by cutting-edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning technologies. Our mission? To provide insights and tools tailored to the dynamic crypto and blockchain industry, focusing on cryptocurrency trading, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), and on-chain data analysis.
We understand that navigating the complexities of blockchain can be daunting, especially for newcomers. That's why DexCheck offers real-time insights into crypto and NFT markets, making blockchain analysis intuitive and accessible to all levels of expertise. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, our platform is designed to assist you in making informed decisions in the fast-paced DeFi (Decentralized Finance) market.
Central to our ecosystem is the DexCheck native token (DCK), which plays a vital role in the DexCheck arbitrage DEX. Holding DCK tokens unlocks a range of benefits and utilities, encouraging users to contribute to token liquidity, participate in platform governance, and gain access to advanced data analytics tools available through DexCheck PRO. Join us as we revolutionize the way you engage with blockchain analytics and trading tools.

Where to Accept dck?

We offer easy crypto currency payment solutions through our service, allowing you to receive DexCheck and over 238 other digital monies. Improve your customers' experiences and broaden your payment choices without hassle.

What is the all-time high for DexCheck (dck)?

DexCheck’s historic highest price is $0.18274, which was recorded on 11th of March 2024. Currently, DexCheck’s price is %93.5 Lower than its historic high.

What is the all-time low for DexCheck (dck)?

DexCheck’s historic lowest price is $0.01180, which was recorded on 16th of February 2025. Currently, DexCheck’s price is %1.1 Higher than its historic low.

What are the most important factors affecting the price of DexCheck (dck)?

Let's take a look at the important factors that impact DexCheck's worth, such as how many people want to buy or sell it and how available it is. Other influences include what's being said about it on the news and internet, changes in the global economy and politics, and rules Governments set for using it.

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