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Genaro Network (GNX) functions as a cryptocurrency operating on the Ethereum platform. GNX can be generated by users through the process of mining. The current supply of Genaro Network is set at 650,000,000.
We offer easy crypto currency payment solutions through our service, allowing you to receive Genaro Network and over 238 other digital monies. Improve your customers' experiences and broaden your payment choices without hassle.
Genaro Network’s historic highest price is $1.17, which was recorded on 9th of January 2018. Currently, Genaro Network’s price is %100 Lower than its historic high.
Genaro Network’s historic lowest price is $0.00003, which was recorded on 9th of August 2024. Currently, Genaro Network’s price is %1099.9 Higher than its historic low.
Let's take a look at the important factors that impact Genaro Network's worth, such as how many people want to buy or sell it and how available it is. Other influences include what's being said about it on the news and internet, changes in the global economy and politics, and rules Governments set for using it.