Accept Uniswap Payments

At Coino live, we empower businesses to embrace the future of finance by seamlessly integrating UNI payments. With our user-friendly and secure platform, you can start accepting UNI quickly and efficiently.
accept Uniswap payments
Uniswap stands as a decentralized exchange (DEX), streamlining the process for users to exchange ERC-20 tokens without relying on a centralized intermediary. Through a DEX like Uniswap, traders bypass the necessity of depositing tokens onto an exchange, thereby mitigating the security vulnerabilities often associated with centralized platforms.
Utilizing an Ethereum wallet such as Metamask, users can promptly initiate token swaps without the requirement of an orderbook. This mechanism operates via an Automated Market Maker (AMM), where Liquidity Providers (LP) contribute tokens into the smart contract. This pool of liquidity then furnishes traders with price quotations, eliminating the dependence on professional market makers. In return for providing liquidity on the protocol, Liquidity Providers receive compensation in the form of a 0.3% trading fee.
Smart business owners know the importance of staying updated and following trends. Nowadays, accepting cryptocurrency, like Uniswap, is as easy as using credit cards. By letting customers pay with UNI, you can attract more buyers, leading to increased earnings.
  • Seamless integration: Add UNI payments to your website or app in minutes with our simple API.
  • Secure and reliable: Trust our secure platform with industry-leading compliance and fraud prevention.
  • Fast and affordable: Receive Uniswap payments instantly and enjoy competitive transaction fees.
  • Dedicated support: Get expert guidance and personalized support from our knowledgeable team.

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Ready to ride the wave? Sign up with Coino live and start accepting UNI today!

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